Thursday, May 21, 2020

One who turns his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination. Proverbs 28:9

Have you ever lost connection with someone while talking to them on your cell phone? You talk and talk and realize the other person is no longer there. Everything you said was in vain.

As I read this proverb the thought came to mind about the past few months during this Covid-19 pandemic. We have missed many church services while “sheltering in place.” As a result of missed sermons and quality worship time, my prayer life has suffered. I’ll even be transparent to admit my walk with the Lord has struggled. Without church attendance, I’ve quickly filled that time with other, non-significant, less than meaningful things. My prayers have no rhythm and I feel disconnected from God. Can you relate?

This evening Lori had a chance to connect with some of her friends. I took the opportunity of quiet time to turn off the TV and pick up my bible and read. Like a man staggering in the desert looking for water, I was thirsty for God’s word and in just 30 minutes was filling my spirit with truth, and connecting with God in a way I have missed for a long time.

The simple truth is, God’s word keeps us connected to Him. If we don’t read it daily, we are simply living our lives like a one-sided conversation. Our prayers will have no meaning as long as we are disconnected from Him.

Maybe your walk with the Lord has struggled over the past few months. Take some time to yourself and read God’s word. Ask God to lead you through scriptures to quench your thirsty soul and replenish wisdom so your prayers are like a sweet aroma to your Heavenly Father! God bless!