Saturday, May 22, 2021

Protection from enemy

 Psalms 35:5

Blow them away like chaff in the wind— 

a wind sent by the angel of the lord.

With every bone in my body I will praise him: “lord, who can compare with you? 

Who else rescues the helpless from the strong? Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?”

Today's passage is a prayer request from David to the Lord, asking Him to blow away his enemies like chaff in the wind. Oh how many times have you prayed a similar prayer? Those enemies seem to abound and their ruthless attacks against you seem unending. Have you been there? 

Friend, I can personally speak from experience, God sometimes doesn't remove our enemies, but He does go before us to weave us through their attacks and come out on the other side victorious when we remain steady in prayer and focus on Him. Gods Holy Spirit, living inside you, knows your challenges and sees your enemy's ways from far off. He already has a plan to protect you. Trust Him and the wisdom He provides. 

God may not remove your enemy, but best to trust Him as you lean on Him for strength, healing and confidence in knowing He is bigger than anything that comes against you. God bless. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8


Have you ever noticed when someone famous walks into a crowd, everyone is focused on them. Camera phones come up to capture the moment and for some people a picture with them is a treasure and shared on social media. Everything they do and say is absorbed by the spectators watching.


As a child of God, eyes are watching every action you take, every word spoken and every thought shared. Its important for you to remember you are a “light of the world”. Everything you do should reflect the Holy Spirit living inside you. It’s a conscious decision that needs to be made. The last thing you want to do is send someone the wrong message as a result of your words or action that counter God’s word.


When you stop and really think about it, it’s a big deal and if you are like me you probably go back in your mind, to just yesterday, to something you said or did that wasn’t God approved. Time to ask for forgiveness, maybe go back and talk to someone you hurt and give them the right response, then ask God to help you in your daily walk. Best to memorize today’s verse and keep it fresh in your mind as you leave your home and enter the world of darkness.


The world is watching you. Are you a light in the darkness? The world needs to see Jesus, and you’re the one assigned to this mission. Walk as children of light! God bless!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17


Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a graduation ceremony at the University of West Georgia. The main speaker addressed the students with many good words of wisdom, but one really stuck with me….”the world needs you.” These young kids have received a fine education and ready to bring new ideas to businesses that need a fresh perspective on how they operate. These graduates have a big step to take as they cross over from the care of their parents into the working world that needs them more than ever.


There is another group of people who the world needs and that’s God’s children. He needs them educated in the bible, so they can live a life that reflects the values and principles of God and be an example for others to follow. I can tell you from the years I’ve been a Christian, the bible has provided me much wisdom and guided my steps as I’ve navigated many many challenges. It will do the same for you, but it wont help unless you pick it up and study it, and equip yourself to share the gospel truth.


The world needs YOU! Are you equipped for the journey? Start today by studying God’s word so you can be a part of a life changing experience in the lives of those around you. God bless!