Sunday, March 1, 2020

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. John 4:23

This morning I was reading from a journal my grandmother, Nedra, wrote her thoughts in about spiritual things. One entry read, “Worship demands honesty between God and myself.” When I first read this I thought it very profound and true. I’m still thinking on it and I’m sure more thoughts about worship will go through my mind as the day progresses.

The truth is, worship is between you and God. Yes, the music and sermon at church might enlighten you, but it’s the connection between God and yourself that makes worship matter most. Focusing on Him and not allowing the morning greetings, the catching up with your pew mates, pondering if you wore the right outfit. All of these distract from pure worship and should be put aside for the simple hour and half you attend church.

But worship doesn’t start there. It actually begins at the start of the day. Where your mind goes first is the direction you’ll head towards throughout the day. You must wake up with prayer and focus on God. Pleasing Him, keeping Him front and center and obeying His word makes and world of difference in your worship and dedication to Him.

And let’s not forget, worship isn’t for Sunday and Wednesday nights. Its 24/7. It never ends. How can you worship God on a deeper level? By being honest with yourself to God. Bring what you’ve got to the table of worship, making God a priority each and every day then see how He will bless you richly for your obedience and dedication to worship Him in spirit and truth! God bless!

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