Sunday, June 14, 2020

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory: No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11

Have you had enough of 2020? Between the Coronavirus, strange weather and social unrest in the country, this year has been taxing on many Americans, including myself. I’ve had enough and desire so much for us to get back to the way things were. In the midst of this year’s chaos, many have asked if these are signs of Christ return.

Far be it that I predict His return. But one thing I do know, we as a nation have been out of sync with God. Society as a whole has deteriorated so much that I truly fear its beyond repair. I wonder if God himself has had enough of his creation’s disastrous ways, beliefs and lack of respect for Him. As a result, He is slowly withholding His hand of protection and allowing our nation, and world, suffer the consequences by turning our backs on Him.

Today’s verse gives encouragement for His children to walk uprightly. As a result, God blesses and withholds nothing good. Well, 2020 has been anything but good. Although God is good Himself, we have royally screwed up things and we are reaping what we’ve sown. The truth is, no one is innocent. We are all sinners, thankfully saved by grace.

So what can we do? Pray. Pray that through all this mess we are seeing in the media and in our own communities, we as a society will turn back to God and give Him the true respect He deserves. He has a basket full of blessings, ready to share with the nation that honors Him. Your prayers have power to change, and we are in need of every one of them! Join me in daily prayer for our world, our nation, our community and our neighbors! God bless!

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