Saturday, July 11, 2020

Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15

Has God ever healed you of an illness? Maybe it was something as simple as a fever, or more complex like cancer, a rare disease or a physical impairment. Maybe God has healed you from an addiction that has held you captive for years.  No doubt, God can heal anyone, even bring the dead back to life, as documented in the bible. Why does God heal?   

God has a plan and purpose for every human being. First off, His desire is that every human come to accept Jesus Christ into their life (1 Timothy 2:4). Secondly, God desires that we serve Him in every area of our life. That can be the most challenging thing for a Christian, to yield every area of their life to Him. Challenging yes, impossible no.

As humans we are broken. Bent towards sin and the ways of the world. As I look back over 54 years of my life, I see areas of my life where I was spiritually sick and God was not able to use me because of my sinfulness or brokenness. Yet, as time progressed, He slowly began to heal the darkest areas of my life and brought me to a healthy state, spiritually and in the flesh. As a result, I became more useful to serve Him.

God wants you to have a personal relationship through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. Once your journey begins with Jesus, He will touch areas of your life that need healing, so you can serve Him. You know what needs healing, call upon God for His healing touch today, so you can serve Him and be blessed.

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