Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17


Whenever there is a change in something, it usually means there is a new way of doing things. Change can be good as it keeps you from falling prey to a routine that is no longer effective and positive in your life.


Today’s verse is a prime example of change in the life of a Christian. If a person has truly accepted Christ, there should be a change in his or her life. Priorities should focus on the Lord’s plan and purpose for their life, things like selfishness, greed and pride should be put aside and replaced with humbleness and obedience. But it doesn’t happen over-night.


Change takes time and the Lord is available to help weed out the old ways and begin a new and fresh start in your life. Prayer and bible study are essential to make that change happen. Day by day, prayer by prayer, making decisions with God the priority will result in a changed person from the inside out.


As a Christian, maybe you find your attitudes and behavior similar to how you were prior to accepting Christ. Make today a start of newness in your life by asking God to transform your heart and mind into a new vessel that He can use for His glory and bless you along the way. Trust me, God blesses obedience and He is ready to help you make a change today, one step at a time! God bless!

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