Saturday, April 4, 2020

Its often obedience in the small details that prepares the believer for obedience in all things.

Do you ever struggle with being obedient to God? The bible is full of scripture to guide the believer in living a more righteous life. And to be transparent, I find it difficult to measure up at times.

The words at the top of this blog came from a devotion I read recently. When I read it, I sat back and gave it some thought. How true it is when we are obedient to the small things God asks of us, it prepares us for the bigger steps of obedience. I’ve often heard it say….”it’s the little things that matter.” Very true, because they are the small stepping stones to bigger things in life, just like obedience in the small matters.

What are you struggling with today in regards to Godly obedience? Instead of tackling the big stuff right now, why don’t you focus on taking little steps of obedience. As you grow in your walk of obedience, you transform your mind to think like Christ and walk in step with His will. 

Stay in God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, strengthen you and transform you into a more obedient Christian. The small steps matter! The end result of your obedience is His blessings showered down on your life. We all need more blessings! God bless!

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