Monday, September 13, 2021

 So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. Exodus 23:25


In all my years of life, I can honestly say the United States of America is plagued with sickness. From the Covid-19 pandemic and other rampant illnesses, the demoralization of today’s society to the lack of strong leadership across the land, this country needs help! Looking abroad, our country has strained its relationships with many of its allies. We live in seriously troubled times and America is headed down a path of internal destruction if it doesn’t get help soon!


I truly believe the prescription America needs is loyalty to God. The men and women who sought after a land for religious freedom, founded the Untied States and God blessed them through victory in war and one nation built under God’s wisdom and leadership. We’ve certainly strained from the founding beliefs and look where we are today! God help us.


What can you do? Pray and dedicate your life and your household to the Lord. Commit your ways to God and He will bless you and protect you. You might encounter resistance to your loyalty to God, and that’s ok. As a Christian, this planet is not your permanent home. You are simply taking up space for a brief time. Its what you do in your life that matters. Together we can reshape our communities, one person at a time.


Pray for the leadership of this country. From your town mayor, state governor to the governmental leaders and president. They all need your prayers and God will work in their lives when you cover them in prayer.

The only way this country will heal itself is by its citizens praying and turning back to the one who blessed us with this great nation. God bless

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