Sunday, September 26, 2021

 Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17


When building a structure, the foundation must be supported using “footings”. These are trenches of concrete that go down deep into the soil and help support the actual foundation. They are especially necessary when building on troubled soil (soil that doesn’t have much compaction).


Today’s passage reminds us the importance of seeking after your life’s construction foreman, God Himself, who is putting you together, piece by piece. Through life’s experiences, He is shaping you into God’s image as a Christian. Your part is to ensure your foundation is secure in Him. Unless you keep your foundation solid, anything He brings into your life’s construction site will not be fully supported and you will suffer loss….loss of His blessings or missed opportunities to grow in your faith.


God is working in your life right now. How you begin your day is important to the success of His work in your life. Start each morning in prayer, seeking after His will and purpose for your life and never settle for anything less than His standards. When you do, your life will reflect His character and bless others in the building process. Let your roots grow down into God’s love today! God bless!

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