Sunday, October 3, 2021

 Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because, narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14


When riding a motorcycle, its important to keep your focus on the road ahead. A general rule of thumb, where you look is where you go. Some of the most scenic roads I’ve traveled have been very narrow with drop offs on either side. Slowing down and keeping my focus is key for safe passage. And if I want to get a view of my surroundings, I stop riding so I can take in what God has created. And trust me, there are so many beautiful sights out there, but you’ve got to keep your focus while driving to your destination.


A recent trip to the mountains brought these two verses to mind. As a Christian, the path God leads us is narrow and there are dangers on either side if we swerve off His path of safety. So many worldly things to distract us from the spiritual journey. That’s why its so important to slow down and keep our eyes focused on Jesus. How do we keep our eyes focused on Him? There are a few ways that help me stay on the narrow path:


1.    Prayer. Communication with the Father is important. When we lift up our concerns to Him, we are specific in where we are in our life’s journey and He prepares us for the road ahead. He oftentimes speaks wisdom into my mind when I totally block out the external noise.

2.    Bible. God’s word is truly the roadmap for life. It may seem overwhelming at times, but when I pray for scripture on a certain matter, He always leads me to the words of wisdom needed for the moment.

3.    Holy Spirit. This is the best navigator on the planet! God gifted Christians with His Holy Spirit, who will tell you when you are headed for disaster, lifts you up when your tired and the best thing ever…He goes where you go…so He’s with you every step of the journey.


When you focus on Him and do what He says, the journey will be less complicated and safer as you discover God’s blessings along the path of life! God bless!

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