Sunday, October 17, 2021

 I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5


Last week we had a reprieve from rain and I decided to go for a short ride. Before leaving my wife informed me that her weather radar ap said rain in 30 minutes. I looked outside to see sun and blue skies, so I headed out anyhow. About 30 minutes into my ride, clouds formed and a lite mist of rain hit me for just a few minutes (nothing I wasn’t use to), then the sun returned and quickly dried my bike. When I got home, I surveyed my bike and it was covered with water spots and some mud that splashed up on the chrome muffler. UGH! Back to washing the bike again, and afterwards it shined. It’s a continual process to keep my bike looking good, but worth the effort.


Life is like that for God’s children. We start our day with good intentions, but not too far into it, Satan begins throwing stumbling blocks our way and the temptation oftentimes lures us into the muck of sin and our relationship with the Lord gets tarnished. Left unchecked, the grime continues to build and our spiritual life loses its luster. Confession of sin is the best way to put a shine back on your walk with the Lord. By acknowledging your transgression, you agree with God that you messed up and He begins to help clean those sin spots so your relationship with Him will continue to shine.


Like the weather ap, we have a spiritual guide, The Holy Spirit, that alerts us to danger and whispers an exit plan to the temptation process so we can avoid the shame of sin. Are you listening? Do you heed His voice? I have to say, His voice always alerts us to danger, its up to us to make the decision to halt and get back in good graces with the Lord.


Keeping your relationship in good standing in this fallen world can be a challenge, no doubt. But with the help of His Spirit and our desire to shine for Him, will keep us living the life He has called  us live in a world that needs to see the light of Christ. Acknowledge your transgressions today so you can keep it shiny side up! God bless!  

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