Saturday, November 6, 2021

 I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. Ecclesiastes 3:14


“Be careful what you wish for” has been a common statement told to many who seek after something for their life. Sometimes our desires, which may seem awesome at this moment in time, will later bring calamity to our lives and hurt us in the long run. Have you ever experienced this in your life?


A few days ago God drew me to this passage in Ecclesiastes and ever since then I’ve been pondering its message. I wanted to share some of my thoughts.


One of the most awesome relationships you’ll ever have is with God. He can see into the future and knows what’s up ahead. As His children, He prepares us today for the challenges and blessings of tomorrow. Every day He is growing us in our faith and relationship with Him. Everything we encounter and go through life has been sifted through the hands of God and is part of His long-term plan to benefit us through time.


The question today is, what’s on your wish list? Maybe it’s a special relationship, an item you’ve wanted, a job or home. Yet, God hasn’t blessed you with your request. The best thing you can do is put your trust and faith in Him. He knows what’s best for you right now. As today’s scripture says, God’s plans are forever. He thinks and plans beyond today. He often times holds back those things and people who will bring discord into your life.


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways” says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8  The key to living a successful Christian life is to put your faith and trust in God’s plan. Seek after His wisdom daily and listen for His voice of direction. He plans to prosper your life, but it wont happen unless you are willing to follow Him in obedience. Trust His plans for your life, they are meant to last forever! God bless

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