Sunday, November 21, 2021

 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:2 


The other night my wife and I visited a local town who was having a Christmas light show and shopping weekend. Our first stop was a popular restaurant with a delicious assortment of food on their buffet. As we waited for our number to be called, I noticed a man walking in our direction, he was dressed in old, oversized clothing that appeared to be dirty and ragged. He had a small pack on his back and walked slowly with his head in a forward and down position. He stopped right in front of the restaurant and for one minute stared at the menu written on the chalkboard outside the establishment. Anyone who was there knew without a doubt he was homeless. 


This man’s presence was more noticeable than Santa Clause in the Christmas parade that evening, but no one was moved to offer money or even the thought to invite him to dine with them, including me. After a minute had passed, I looked and saw the man slowly walk down the sidewalk, through the crowd of people, with no offerings from a single person. Almost immediately today’s verse spoke loud and clear in my mind.  


Was he an angel, sent by God, to see who had the heart to help? Thinking back to that moment and how long he stood there, I believe he was and I personally failed to act. Although he didn’t ask for any help, the need and hunger was written on his face. That $20 bill in my wallet could have made for a moment of blessing for him, but stayed locked tight in my possession.  


I share this long-written post not to necessarily beat myself up, although I feel bad. But I want to encourage everyone to be open to the needs of others, and there is plenty of need out there today. Unfortunately, we get so caught up in our life that we don’t see the need of others. I personally have given my last dollar to people in need, only to find that come back in a huge blessing to myself.  


To bring this to a close, pray that God will open your eyes to those in need and be prompted to act. You have the resources available to you to help others; God will bless you for your obedience in sharing what He’s blessed you with...and who might just entertain an angel! God bless 

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