Monday, November 22, 2021

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 1 James 1:17 

You ever stop and think about the good things you’ve received in life? Reflecting back, I recall one moment in time, as a kid, I received a set of golf clubs for my birthday. I was so excited to receive them as I was just learning the sport and my excitement was captured in a photo that I still have today. I recall another time, within the past 9 years, where I started a new chapter in life and God provided me a new home that met my needs and fit within my tight budget. I had seen this house prior in a vision and God made a way for me to own it. To this day I thank God daily for my home.  

Today’s verse is a great reminder of the source of good things in life. Our Heavenly Father knows what's best for us and consistently provides to sustain us through life, all the while keeping us aligned within His will and purpose.  He also withholds those things and people who will steer us away from His will. Sometimes though, our pride gets in the way and we force things within our grasp that hinder our walk with the Lord. That’s why it's always good to seek His wisdom before attempting to acquire something.  

The next time something good comes your way, give thanks to God and take care of His blessings. He loves you and wants what’s best for your life, so respect Him, remain obedient and always give thanks in every circumstance. God has a lifetime of blessings waiting to share with you! God bless 

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