Saturday, November 13, 2021

Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14 

A few days ago I had just left from a chaotic day at work and traffic was crazy, my stress level high....I felt like a spiritual attack was underway. I stopped at a local grocery store and had a strange experience while shopping. I’m like could things get any worse? As I checked out, I noticed an elderly lady with one item, a bag of catfish, which she planned to fry for dinner. I could tell she didn’t have much money, so I instructed the cashier to put her fish with my groceries and I paid for her dinner that night.  

In the middle of a crazy and stressful day, that one act of kindness literally stopped the chaos and released the stress that had built up throughout the day. Just seeing the thankfulness on this lady’s face made it all worth it.  

I’m seeking any recognition, but to share the experience, that doing good for others is the best way to fight back at Satan’s attacks. His goal is to disrupt the joy from the believer’s life. I was feeling pretty pained that day and my focus was not where it needed to be. I truly believe the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see beyond my anxiety to see the need of someone less fortunate.  

God can do that for you as well. When faced with something overwhelming, find a way to look beyond yourself and do something good for someone else. It doesn’t matter if you are financially struggling, stressed beyond belief or dealing with a health issue, give of yourself or your resources to bless others. Trust me, the blessing will come back much bigger! God bless 

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