Monday, November 15, 2021

 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. 1 Peter 5:4 


As a kid in school, I struggled to get good grades. One incentive my parents provided was a cash reward when my report card showed that I worked hard for acceptable grades. I remember in elementary school the one thing that added icing to the cake was the teacher’s comments on how hard I worked that quarter. Those report cards were a reflection of my hard work and it felt good to be recognized for the years of struggling; eventually to finally graduate from college.  


As a child of God, remaining faithful to the Lord in your daily life is critical to the success of God’s mission and His purpose for your life. God has a specific plan for you and your eager willingness to follow Him will result in many blessings here on earth and eternally. But, you must be committed to His plan and stay the course no matter how difficult the outward circumstances.  


Where is your loyalty? Is it for the Lord or the world? It doesn’t take long to think of things and people who need to be removed from your life so you can stay in sync with God. Those outside influences can harden your heart and taint your view of God’s plan, leaving you to struggle with the choice of who to follow. The reward is there, it's up to you to decide who to follow. Chose God and be blessed!  

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