Wednesday, November 17, 2021

 And He shall cover you with His feathers, and under HIs wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. Psalms 91:4-5 


Many mornings I begin each day on my knees in prayer. We keep the house pretty cool at night, so when I kneel to pray, I usually cover myself with a blanket. When I do, I feel warm and protected from the chill and a sense of peace and protection comes over me as I pray.  


Thankfully I don’t have to walk around all day with a blanket to protect me. God is my blanket of protection and keeps me covered in His wisdom as I navigate the challenges of each day. His daily presence gives me the confidence I need as I go out into this world to live for Him. It’s a peace and comfort like no other.  


You too friend can have this same blanket of love and protection. Don’t look to your troubles, look to God to protect you and provide what's needed to make it through the daily grind of life. With God, you can actually find peace and joy no matter how turbulent the day. Start today on your knees in prayer and see God’s presence blanket you in His love and protection. God bless 

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