Sunday, November 14, 2021

 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10 


Yesterday my wife and I attended a local arts and crafts festival in a nearby town. The two-story building was full of crafts and goodies, hand made by those with special talents. Each vendor’s booth was a showcase of their God given abilities. Of course, my favorite was the food vendors, so I stocked up on some delicious donuts and baked goods.   


As God’s children, each of us is blessed with a special talent or ability to serve Him. It might be a gift of compassion for others, independently wealthy where someone could help financially support a special ministry, strength to meet a physical need. The list is endless, but I can assure you God has given you a special talent that will bring glory and honor to Him if used to its fullest.  


Take a few minutes today to ponder your abilities and ask God to show you where you can plug in your talents to support the ministry of God. In today’s world there are always opportunities to perform special acts of kindness, work side by side with an individual or group or just spend time with someone who's alone during this festive time of year. Your gifts don’t have to change the world, they can be just a brief moment of blessing to those who need to see the hand of God touch their lives. How can you use your talents this week? God bless!   

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