Thursday, November 18, 2021

 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20 


One day while out riding my motorcycle I ran across a fellow biker who had just left the same establishment as myself. I was about to head back home and this man indicated he was going in the same general direction. As we talked, I asked him if he had ever been in a wreck on his bike and he responded, yes, 7 times. I immediately decided to take another route home as I didn’t want his bad luck to brush off on me. You have to be careful who you ride alongside.  


This is true in life. Whoever you hang out with, you will soon model their behavior or their character will begin to influence how you think. Someone who lives a reckless lifestyle is toxic, especially for a child of God. They may seem cool and appear to have it all together, but sooner or later that wild and free lifestyle will catch up to them and you don’t want to be a part of that when it happens.  


Choose your friends wisely. They may seem boring or lame, but if they are wise in their ways and Christ is their spiritual compass, they will be more solid and safe for your relationship and will open the door to wisdom and protection as you continue to grow in your friendship. The old saying is true: “If you lay with dogs, you gonna get fleas.” You don’t want fleas. Seek out Godly friendships and blessings will soon follow. God bless 

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