Monday, September 9, 2019

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1 :2 – 4

If you’ve ever watched football, you know the sport is pretty rough and players can get hurt from time to time. Hurt so bad, that they have to stay out of several games to give their body time to heal from the injuries. Because in football, if a player comes back out with a partial injury, the truth is the opponent will do all he can to hit that injured part of the body to put the player out of commission.

As Christians we too have an opponent, an enemy, Satan. Satan will use things in life such as unfaithfulness of a loved one, personal insults from others, feelings of unworthiness to bring you down to the point where you want to give up. And when you try to get back on the playing field, he will often target those painful emotions to keep you down.

Friend, if this is something you are going thru, its time to take a step back from the game of life and allow God to heal your broken heart, restore your confidence in self and make time for healing through forgiveness. Patience is the key to your healing process. God has NO time table for healing. It might take weeks, months even years to restore you back to good. Allow that time to heal you and grow your faith and wisdom in Him. When you become completely healed, Satan’s attacks will prove unsuccessful and you’ll come out victorious in life! Take time to heal, you’ve got all the time you need! God bless!  

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