Thursday, August 29, 2019

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Last night in church we were reading scripture in 2 Corinthians when I ran across this verse. LOL, I thought to myself how true this verse is. As I get older my body slowly performs less than the previous year. As we age, our bodies wear out, slow down and require more down time than up and running.

But the interesting thing is the wisdom I’ve gained over the years has increased and helped to strengthen my faith and walk in the Lord. As the tough times come my way, I’m better able to withstand its effects because I know God is with me, He strengthens and protects me as I journey through each storm. But it hasn’t come without a lot of mistakes and poor choices and lessons learned. I can honestly say I’m grateful for my life story and how God has turned the most trying moments into the most beneficial for my spiritual health.

Maybe you are going through some tough times and its wearing on your physically and emotionally. Don’t let it overcome you. God has a plan to use those challenging times to strengthen your faith and trust in Him. You are an overcomer when you put your trust in Christ to see you through another life storm. Grow from your experience and look to God to impart wisdom along the way as you head towards another storm….and they will keep coming. But through it all, you will be better equipped to navigate them and come out stronger on the other side! God bless!

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