Monday, August 12, 2019

My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent. Proverbs 1:10

If you struggle with sin, raise your hand! Well, all hands should be raised at this moment. We as humans (in the flesh) all struggle with temptation and sin. The world is full of sinful opportunities to step away from God’s perfect plan for His children. How do we avoid or lessen the impact of sin?

One way is to separate yourself from the things and people who make it easy for you to fall prey to sin. That habit you are trying to kick wont help if you hang out with people who enjoy that pleasure. That phone call from a friend who is a known gossiper won’t help you in your battle to stop the sin of gossip if you answer their call, stopping by the shopping mall for lunch where you’ll fall prey to lust (either after the opposite sex or addiction to shopping). Do you get the picture?

You are responsible for your actions, and choices to sin. By distancing yourself from those things and people will help in the struggle to remain obedient to the Lord. Sacrifice your temptations so you won’t tarnish the sacrifice made on your behalf to be called a child of God!  

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