Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

Last night I watched a movie about a woman who was dating a man and her desire was that he ask her to become engaged. At every meeting her hopes and dreams were squashed as the man of her dreams failed to fulfill her expectations and plans for an engagement. All the while this other man in her life was trying to get her attention and somehow ended up being around each time this girl was feeling letdown by her boyfriend. Well as you can imagine, the man who she failed to see initially ended up being the right man for her and everything came to a happy ending in the movie.

So where am I going with this you ask? Today’s verse gives us the promise that God is working before we ask for His help. Weather it is finding the right mate, the right job or simply an answer to a question about life in general. Oftentimes our expectations and plans hinder our view of God’s plan for our life. Its in those moments that He allows circumstances, such as let downs, closed doors and oftentimes His quietness to steer us in the right direction. In the end, we will find God’s will and plan for our life through His ways of channeling our vision so we can see what great things He has in store for us!

Maybe you have some expectations about something or someone and all you seem to encounter are letdowns, closed doors, disappointments or no answer at all. Step back from your plans and pray, asking God to open your eyes to what He is doing so you can see what He has planned for your life! God’s plan is always perfect and will bless you. Just know He is working now, even before your request, to give you the best in life! God bless!  

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