Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. Luke 6:30

I had someone in my life once tell me, “if you have to borrow it, you need to buy it.” Great advice if you don’t want to lose anything loaned out. Today’s verse sheds a different light on the subject of giving. Give and do not expect in return. Well, not sure we want to give away all our belongings, but this is a challenge to have a giving heart.

How do you get to that point where you ease your grip on your money and belongings? By realizing its all Gods. He blessed you with those items and financial resources. They are to be used as a tool for Him. When the opportunity presents itself, we need to give freely as an expression of God’s love and mercy. “Therefore be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36

God will reward you when you learn to ease your grip on what you posses so you can help others in need. The return on your loss will be great. Ask for nothing back and blessings will come to you from Heaven! God bless!

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