Thursday, August 1, 2019

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

The other day I saw a mother with two young children step out of their car and start walking towards a retail store. As soon as the kid’s feet hit the pavement the mother quickly grabbed their hands to keep them close and safe as cars were moving about in the parking lot and I’m sure the kids were unaware of the dangers they faced without the protective hand of their mother.

As Christians we have the same situation as we navigate life. This world is full of hidden dangers and God knows this, that is why He gave us His Holy Spirit to guide us through the dangers and challenges of life. As He walks with us, He is always communicating through His words felt in our heart, His words of wisdom in the bible and through friends and family who offer Godly advice. We are protected by our Father in Heaven.

Maybe you are going through a rough spot in life. Trust and believe that God has your hand and will take you safely through this time. He knows what’s best for you and can see your destination from His vantage point. You might not see it, but trust that He is leading you down the right path. Hold His hand tight and trust Him with every step! God bless!

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