Wednesday, July 31, 2019

That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

I recently attended a funeral of a man I knew and worked with at one point in time. Sadly, he had health issues that left him without sight, ability to talk and walk in the last few months of his life. He lived an active, healthy life and centered his careers around public service, worshipped God and active in the community. He made a name for himself by how he lived his life.  

As I sat through the service, I thought to myself what a shame his life had to end with suffering. One thing I realized, we can’t control the beginning of our life and how we came about and the conditions we were brought up in, nor can we control our ending as death has many ways of taking life.

But one thing we can control is the life we live as an adult. Today’s verse is a good reminder that our life, as a child of God, belongs to Him. We are here to serve Him through the gifts and talents He has given us. Pleasing Him should be our number 1 goal in life, for His purpose of our existence is to bring honor and glory to His name. Gaining wisdom by reading from the bible will help shape your life and give you direction so you can be pleasing to the Lord. Your obedience to God will result in a mountain of blessings and a straight path to Heaven.

You can’t control your beginning and ending, but you can manage what happens in between. Give God your life of service and see what He can do for you. Your passion and service to the Lord will be remembered by those who love you and know you well! Dedicate today to the Lord! God bless!  

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