Friday, July 19, 2019

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Over the past several weeks I have been provided the opportunity to help others in need financially. They have crossed my path with a noticeable need and my heart stirred inside to share just a portion of what God has blessed me with. Its not that I went looking to help others, I truly believe God puts these people in my path to see if I would return a portion of what He has blessed me with. Besides, its all His money anyhow. He just allows me to manage it.

Thought for today, how open are you to share what you have to help someone in need? Let’s take it even deeper, do you see the need of others and act out of the kindness of your heart? If you do, I can assure you the Holy Spirit has cultivated your heart to be the cheerful giver He calls each of His children to be.

There’s a $20 bill in your wallet that can go much farther in the hands of someone in need than what you can do with it. Don’t keep it tucked away, share your blessings with others and find the returns rewarding…..even if its simply a smile one the recipients face. God will bless you! Be a cheerful giver today!

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