Tuesday, July 9, 2019

And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Sprit on the house of Israel, says the Lord God. Ezekiel 39:29

Years ago we had a small fire at our house. A plumber installed a new outside faucet and sweated the faucet to the existing copper pipe. This involved a flame that heated a metal rod and it melted at the joint, sealing it together. Well, the flame shot behind the brick wall and caught the wallboard on fire. It smoldered as it burned, creating a lot of smoke. That smoke rose up the wall and exited the house through the roof. It was quite a sight seeing my house venting smoke, knowing there was a fire I called 911.

I can’t tell you how thankful I was for the firemen who arrived quickly and were able to extinguish the fire, halting any further damage. If it wasn’t for those firemen who stand by every day, waiting to respond to emergencies, we all would be in a world of hurt if left to us to stop the crises.

As Christians, we need to know God is always there, ready and able to help us in a time of need. We may go through a period of time when we don’t feel His presence nor see Him in action, but I can assure you, just like those firemen at the firehouse, He is always there, waiting to respond and will reveal Himself in your time of need at just the right moment. Patience and trusting the Lord are the two most important things you can do when going through a trial.

Whatever you are going through, stay the course and keep trusting that God will reveal Himself when its necessary. He won’t let you down, but you need to do you part by trusting Him and continuing to walk within His will at the moment. God will reveal Himself to you friend, trust Him today! God bless!

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