Wednesday, July 17, 2019

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8


Over the past two days has run a lot of great specials on many items they sell. I have kept my eye on a specific watch and have put it in my shopping cart, completed all the shipping information, but have been hesitant to hit the “submit order” button. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have that watch, but my conscience tells me its not necessary and would not be a good purchase. I eventually emptied my cart and moved on. Looking back today, I know that was the right decision.


Oftentimes we see something or someone we like and we want to pursue them. We believe we need it in our life, it will satisfy us, make us happy and we won’t regret our pursuits. Sometimes though God says “no”. This person or thing is not necessary or good for you. He knows best and it’s wise to listen to His voice of reason. He might not reveal why its necessary to withhold hitting the “submit order” button, but in time He will reveal His reasoning for saying no.


Maybe you are facing a decision to pursue something, a big purchase, a small one, financial investment or a lifetime investment with a special person. Take it to God first and ask for His wisdom to be revealed. If He says “no”, take His advice seriously and trust that He knows best. It may not be obvious in the here and now, but it will be revealed at the appropriate time! God bless!

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