Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. Proverbs 12:22

I was watched a movie last night about a young lady was trying to get home for Christmas during the middle of a snow storm. During the movie she caught a ride with a guy, but lied to her fiancĂ© about who was brining her home so he wouldn’t worry. As the movie progressed, she had to tell another lie to cover her first one.

The truth of the matter is a lie is deception, no matter its purpose or intention. In today’s society it seems a “white lie” is ok. People can justify it by saying it protects a person from knowing the painful truth or it delivers people from getting caught in something they were doing wrong. Either way, its wrong and one lie will have to lead to another. Eventually the truth will come out. But the most important thing to remember is God knows and sees everything. He hates a liar and will withhold blessings from those who live a life of deception.

I heard a saying once…”if you tell the truth, you won’t have to remember anything”. I challenge you to always speak the truth, no matter what it might cost you. A lie will cost you shame and embarrassment and find God displeased with you. Be truthful always! God bless!

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