Monday, July 8, 2019

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

…For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. Exodus 20:5

I was recently at a BBQ restaurant and looked over their menu. They had a good selection of food, but it was grouped together as “meals” with a meat and specific sides. At the bottom of the menu read the words…”No Substitutions.” The waitress explained that the meals are grouped together so they can be prepared quickly and brought to the dinner table without delay.  

Today’s verses (taken from the 10 Commandments) clearly show that God wants to be first place in every Christian’s life. He gave us the perfect gift, grace and forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ. You could say God doesn’t offer any substitutions. What He offers doesn’t compare to anything this world has to offer, yet oftentimes we allow ourselves to get distracted with the world’s menu and we want something or someone more than we do God. I can personally tell you it PAINS God when we chose something other than Him.

What’s life like when God is second place in your life? He oftentimes stops speaking, like a parent who is upset with their child. He withholds blessings and allows you to personally try to survive on your own with what you’ve chosen over Him. I can tell you also that anything other than God is temporary and you will feel at a loss and empty when you rely on it or a person for your happiness.

When you put God #1 in your life, He will serve you blessings through things, experiences and other people to enrich your life. No substitutions friend, always stick with God’s menu and He will continually feed you the best in life! God bless!

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