Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Yesterday I pulled up to a drive thru window at McDonalds and today’s verse was posted on a hand written sign, taped to the window for all to view. First, I was amazed that someone in this day and time had the confidence to post a religious sign (I was so proud of that person), at the same time this verse sunk deep into my soul and I knew it was a message from God, just for me.

Its so easy to get caught up in “things of this world” these days. Marketing of products, money, the lustful temptations to want more of this world. All of these things (and more) can pollute the mind of a child of God, leaving him/her to live outside the will and complete obedience of God. Think about yesterday, would you be willing to offer up everything you did, said and thought to the Lord? If you are like me, you can recall times that need to be erased or words taken back.

As a child of God, your purpose is to represent Jesus Christ’s life, behaviors, thoughts, compassion for others….its a long list and can be found by reading the bible. Your life is a living sacrifice for the Lord. Do you honor Him in all you do?

Start your day off by praying for God to align your thoughts, words, actions and heart with His. Every act of obedience is your reasonable service and worship to the King. Give Him your day and all that you desire. Watch Him transform your day into a continual worship service and receive His blessings along the way! God bless!  

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