Thursday, July 18, 2019

"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28

Last night I had the opportunity to watch my grandson for a few hours while his parents went out for dinner. What fun we had dancing to music, rolling around on the floor and shooting some basketball. My favorite was just sitting on the sofa, with him by my side, watching tv. One thing I always had to do was watch over him and stop him when he was about to do something dangerous that could either injure himself, me, or damage something in the home. LOL< as you can imagine it was quite tiring…but so much fun!

Today’s verse is an excellent reminder that we, as children of God, must watch out for one another. We live in a world where spiritual danger exists at every corner and an enemy doing all he can to make us stumble and fall. Sometimes we get so caught up enjoying life that we don’t see the danger in certain behaviors. Left unchecked, one can find themselves in a lot of trouble and can bring about a spiritual train wreck to their life.

If you love the Lord, love your fellow brother and sister in Christ. Love them enough to speak up and help steer them in the right direction when you see them heading for the cliff of spiritual doom! God’s given each of us His Holy Spirit, who whispers other’s names and brings awareness to their need for spiritual guidance and direction. Listen and respond when called upon. You never know, your actions might keep him/her from a lifetime of unnecessary pain and suffering! Watch out for the flock! God bless!

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