Thursday, July 11, 2019

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Ephesians 5:6

The other day I picked up a bottle of Diet Coke and on the front label it read “No Sugar and No Carbohydrates”. I’m sure this was put there to capture the eye of those who seek to remove sugar and carbs from their diet for health reasons. But if you turn the bottle around and look at the other ingredients, it paints a different picture and you realize the ingredients aren’t the most healthy thing to consume.

As a Christian, Satan often throws us a curve ball by labeling something or someone, eye catching, it appeals to us and we believe it will be good for us. I encourage you to take time to really think through your attraction until you get a good view from the backside of that pretty label. There are things hidden that can toxify your soul or put you in a bad position financially, relationally, spiritually even through wrong employment.

The next time something catches your eye, take it to God first for wisdom and wait for either His approval or rejection so you won’t fill your life with something God never intended you to partake. God bless!

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