Tuesday, July 2, 2019

So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, “Your God whom you serve continually. He will deliver you.” Daniel 6:16

This morning I woke with the thought of persecuted Christians on my mind. From the Christian in the United States whose faith is the joke in the office to the Christian in a foreign county faced with the decision to deny Christ and live or die while professing his faith. Clearly the enemy, Satan, is out to destroy the testimony of Jesus Christ.  

No matter what, we as Christians need to stay true to God. If you have the freedom to pray and worship God, you are blessed and should extend every ounce of your strength in praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ, here locally and abroad. The message of Jesus Christ is plain and simple and Satan will do anything in his power to eliminate or make it difficult to share the gospel. But, as the king said to Daniel, “your God will deliver you.”

We serve a God who has already won the battle. Nothing you do in this life is more important than living out your faith, utilizing your freedoms to share His word with the lost (and there are plenty of those around you) and praying for those who need prayer for strength, encouragement and to stand boldly for the Lord no matter what those who are persecuted face. In the end, God will deliver all of His children into a place we call home, Heaven. Share, pray and live out your faith today! God bless!

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