Saturday, June 29, 2019

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I recall as a child in elementary school I was working on an art project and failing miserably at it. My teacher saw I was struggling and came to my rescue. She was able to take my mess and turn it into something that turned out beautiful. I’ll never forget that story, for her compassion saved the day!

This morning I was reading a devotion about God’s love for us when we mess up. The thought came to mind…God shows us His love through His grace. God’s grace is what put Jesus Christ on planet earth, so we could be forgiven and receive His love through His sacrifice on the cross. He meets us right where we are… even when we mess it up. But, by His grace we can have the confidence in knowing that He’ll take us “as is” and love us no matter what.

Maybe you feel like your life is one big mistake and wonder how God could possibly love you. Trust me friend, He loves you through His unending grace and compassion. As a child of God, you are His and HE will take care of you and help you make something beautiful from your life, even when you mess up! Rejoice in the Lord knowing His love is shown by His grace and forgiveness and has plans to prosper you and help you through life! God bless!

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