Saturday, June 8, 2019

The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95:5

Yesterday, while driving to work, I saw two plastic bottles sitting next to the street drain. The heavy rain we received must have washed them down the street and about to drop off into the city’s drainage system. Where do those two bottles go from there? Eventually into a body of water, as they move along with each rain event.

Pollution. I see if every day. From the end of my street, along the roadsides and even in the lake at which I work. I can tell you there is too much pollution and it all results from people’s careless and purposeful actions to litter. NOTHING makes me madder than people littering. It pollutes God’s creation and I’m sure He is not happy when people discard their trash onto His masterpiece.

I strongly encourage you to take time to help beautify His creation by ceasing to litter (if you do) and pick up trash when you have an opportunity. It shows respect for what God has blessed us with and we do our part by taking care of what He has entrusted us with as caretakers over this planet we call home. Pick up some litter today and keep this planet alive and well! God bless!

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