Monday, June 17, 2019

And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Matthew 5:41

Today’s verse reminds me of the catchy phrase..”going the extra mile for someone.” No doubt we all live busy lives. Even when we try to maintain a simple schedule, something always seems to keep our time consumed. Can you relate? The danger is getting too consumed and not having time to go the extra mile with someone in need. 

Honestly, it doesn’t take long when you are out and about in the world to see the needs of others. From the man standing in the parking lot with a sign needing some food or gas money, the woman with three kids and a shopping cart full of groceries trying to load them into her car by herself, the elderly person who tripped and fell in front of you and needs help getting up. How about your neighbor who is going through a crisis and needs someone to give him words of encouragement. The list is endless, and the opportunities are so present. The question is…are you willing to act upon the needs of those around you?

Going the extra mile for someone takes time, work and motivation. If you find yourself lacking in any of these things, pray and ask God to help you with what you are short on. He will provide you the time, strength and motivation to help others if you surrender yourself to His will. Your time is the biggest hindrance to doing the Lords work. But trust me, when you give of yourself, God will make time slow and you will actually find more time on your hands as a result of your efforts. Are you ready to go the extra mile for someone today? Go for it and be a blessing to those around you! God bless!

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