Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor know Him. 1 John 3:6


Have you heard the saying: “like a fish out of water”? Maybe you’ve experienced this; you’ve been in a place that is foreign and you aren’t sure what to do or how to survive in it. Either you took a wrong turn in life or something happened that put you in an uncomfortable place. Take a moment and think about that experience and recall the struggles you encountered.


Life is all about choices. As a Christian, your choices should be to follow God in complete obedience. Sometimes though you can get off track and pursue something your heart desired, but is totally outside God’s will for your life. When this happens, you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and you struggle to survive in the environment you thought was perfect. In other words you feel like a fish out of water.


Every decision you make in life should be based around the will of God. Purposeful sin will leave you floundering in an environment not conducive for the child of God. You must continue to choose the environment best suited for your spiritual journey and purpose God has for your life. God continues to make that more evident in my life every day.


So maybe you’ve flopped yourself out of God’s perfect environment for your life and the struggles are real. Time to turn to the living water and get back in the environment God never intended for you to leave. Ask Him to reel you back in as you find peace and happiness in His will for your life! God bless!

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