Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6


Here lately I’ve had to rely on my phone’s mapping system to help me navigate to different places I’ve been. Its pretty cool as it shows me the route I am to take and the voice tells me when to turn. Sometimes I get confused when I look at the map and think I need to turn when I actually need to wait until the phone’s voice instructs me to turn on the right street. I’ve missed several critical turns on recent trips because I misread the map.


Slam dunk! How often as Christians do we take turns off the path God has created for us. We get impatient and want to make a turn towards something we think is good for us, yet it takes us off the path He’s laid out for us and will take some effort to get back on path. Can you relate?


A simple message came to me just yesterday…..”No voice, No turn.” If you can’t hear His voice, then there is NO need to make that turn off His path. Patience is the key to a successful journey that will lead you to your destination on time and without much struggle. A lesson I’ve had to learn several times. Maybe its taken you a while to grasp that concept as well. If you do, it will spare you a lot of detours and oftentimes pain is associated with the misguided turns. Stay the course my friend! God bless~!

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