Wednesday, June 26, 2019

…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:4

This morning I was reading a devotion from a woman who interpreted this verse as a woman who should be meek. That meekness should be that of a boring Christian, one who doesn’t rock the boat or speak out loud. She shared that a mentor told her she was a child of God, created with special gifts and abilities and that she should be strong in her faith and through God’s strength be the woman God created her to be, not a quiet person, sitting off to the side.

That made me think for a minute of my grandmother. She was a devout Christian lady and always shared her faith and words of Godly wisdom gained through years of bible study and living life dependent upon God. She lived 2 days short of her 100th birthday. As I think about her, I think of her as an anchor for me and my family. We all looked up to her for wisdom and guidance. Even when we didn’t want to hear it, it spilled out from her heart in love. And she was always right.

For the women out there reading this, I challenge you to be that anchor for the people who depend upon you. God has given you the gift to multi-task and do for others while you tend to your own needs. He gave you a gentle heart to care for those in need and show a love like no other. He gave you a mind to grow in wisdom and give advice, even when its not wanted, but needs to be heard. Be that anchor, for many people in your life depend upon you. Your strength is the anchor for many. Trust in God to grow your faith so you can be that Godly anchor. God bless!  

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