Sunday, June 9, 2019

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Many times in life we face something much bigger than us. Financial crises, health issue, relationship troubles….the list is endless. These events can seem overwhelming, leaving you without much hope and robbing you of your joy. When left to your own power and strength to work through, you can become drained spiritually, emotionally and even physically. As children of God, our nature takes us straight to God with our problems, asking for His help. The question is….do you believe He can bring a miracle to resolve your problem?

I believe the answer is YES! I love today’s verse, quoted by Jesus Himself! Faith in God is the foundation on which we stand as His children. It took faith for us to believe in God and what Jesus did on the cross to save us. Faith should be the very thing that encourages us to believe that God will answer our prayers for help, healing and recovery when we put forth our request. His response might not come immediately, but it’s been noted and He is responding in accordance to His plan. And trust me, His plan is always the best. It usually brings strength to our faith, a lesson taught and encouragement for the next challenge life throws at us.

Whatever is facing you and you are asking God for a miracle, believe that He will respond and take care of your situation in the best possible way. When you believe and trust in Him, this peace will come over you like no other. People will even notice the calm in your life as you navigate the raging seas of your circumstances. Trust God today to answer your call for help! God bless!

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