Friday, June 7, 2019

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19 – 20

I recently saw a Facebook post that said….”The teacher is always quiet during a test.” How true it is for the Christian when facing trials of life. First and foremost, God is always with us as His children. He carefully walks ahead of us through every circumstance and trial we face, paving the way forward. So often we get wrapped up in our situation with fear, anger, anxiety and stress that we often can’t hear His voice or become blind to the path He has created for us. Can you relate? 

Today’s scripture gives us a few qualities needed when facing the trial, or test. We must clear out all the noise so we can focus our hearing towards Him. That is done through quiet times in prayer and scripture reading. Many times in my life I’ve had to step away from my circumstance so I can focus solely on Him. 

Secondly, its important to speak less. Yea, we’ve got a lot to talk about and questions to ask, but God knows our every question, He knows our every worry. We don’t need to fill the air with our voice! We need to keep it quiet as possible so we can hear Him without our complaints and frustrations. Whew…I needed to hear this myself!

Third, keep ourselves in check. I know when I’m stressed, I get frustrated and angered. When I don’t know the answer to something I get testy. Can you relate? An angered spirit can’t reflect the Christlike character traits that God has called us to live out in our daily lives. We must be patient and keep ourselves in check. 

Whatever you are going through God knows exactly what it is. He is already steps ahead of you and can see the end result from His viewpoint. We need to be quiet, keep our ears open for His direction and allow no distractions to interrupt the journey so we’ll get to the intended destination God has planned through the trial He permitted! Keep the faith and walk closely with Him! God bless!

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