Friday, June 21, 2019

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Back when I was in Jr. High, a few years ago, I ran in track, specifically the 400 meter relay. I was one of 4 guys who each ran 100 meters and we’d hand off the baton to the next runner on our team. We made it to the district level race and knew our competitors were very fast and we didn’t stand a chance of winning. The funny thing is as all the other team’s runners were about to change out batons, all the competitors dropped their batons. The team mate who handed the baton to me yelled “run Barr run…everyone else dropped their batons…we have a chance of winning”. Boy, I ran like a winner! By the end of the race we came in second place and advanced to the state finals.  If only we had all run like winners we might have been first that day.
As a Christian, do you run your life as a winner, or do you often accept second place? God never intended for us to be losers. We are all winners in His eyes, but our attitude and focus needs to alighn with today’s verse. Live out your life as a winner and don’t accept defeat. Satan will try to tell you that no one is a winner, but we all know he is the biggest loser….so block out his voice and listen to our coach, God! He created you to win in your life. He gave you specific talents and abilities to win. Live out your faith every day as a winner and hear God say as you cross the finish line….”well done my good and faithful servant”! God bless!

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