Thursday, June 6, 2019

O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the seas; When its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:8-9

You ever know someone who is full of positive energy. When he or she walks in the room, its like people notice and they quickly gain respect and appreciation for this person. The words the speak, the manner in which they stand, just their presence makes you feel good in that moment. And when they are in action, it seems like there are no worries about the task at hand. They are fully confident and capable of tackling anything that comes their way. 

Today’s verse is an excellent reminder of the God we serve. For His children (His followers), He is totally faithful to love, protect and bring encouragement. Just His presence in your life and mine should be enough to keep the fire going inside of us. WE serve a risen Savior, a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If He can create the world and universe we live in, He can certainly calm the waves of adversity in your life. Its important to realize that He lives inside of you, as a believer, and child of God. All you have to do is lean on His Spirit and put the request before Him. God, I need your help! 

Forecast is for storms today here locally. Maybe your forecast looks about the same….and you know a storm is a brewing for your life. Call on God today for help. He is faithful and will oversee you throughout the day. I LOVE this part of todays verse…”Your faithfulness surrounds you.” WOW. He is the faithful one who will see you through today! Trust Him as you journey through today! God bless!

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