Thursday, June 27, 2019

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

Yesterday’s blog was geared towards the ladies and how their presence in the lives of others is like an anchor. You know you can count on them to be there and even speaking wisdom when its needed. For the guys, today’s verse has a few nuggets of wisdom and instructions that men should follow closely.

First, dwell with them with understanding. Let’s face it, God created men and women with different thought processes, feelings and emotions. Women always take a look at things much differently than us guys. Its important to respect their view point, even when you don’t understand their reasoning. God has given them a soft approach to most things in life, and sometimes its important to embrace the soft and emotional side of understanding, for it leads to Godly characteristics like compassion, love and peace.

Honoring your wife as to the weaker vessel. Don’t take this that women are weak. They aren’t. But when you think of someone weak, you want to the help them, you are always prepared to give them a lending hand and make way for them. God wants you to make the path smooth for the woman in your life. When you do, they give you respect and honor and your days spent with them will be more positive and encouraging.

No one wants their prayers hindered. When you don’t live in the manner God has called you to live as a Godly man and husband, your prayer life will be out of whack. God intentionally allows chaos to bring your back to your senses. Trust me, its better to show respect and honor to what God has given you than to put aside the very one who will be there when everyone has left your side. Honor and respect your wife like a cherished coin and you’ll never find yourself out of alignment with God’s perfect will!

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