Saturday, September 19, 2020


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


There is nothing more comforting than standing next to a heater in the dead of winter when its cold outside and you can’t seem to warm up even inside your home. As you get closer to the source of heat, your body feels it warming you on the surface, then goes inside to the core. I’m sure you can recall a time when you experienced a time of extreme cold and the heater was your friend.


As Christians, we go through cold spells in life when our faith isn’t warm, the daily grind seems to be a heavy burden and your nights are full of sleeplessness and worrisome thoughts. Can you relate? Over the past few weeks I have struggled with rest, feeling the pressures of life’s circumstances and worries. As a result, my patience became less, I was more emotional and reactive when negative things happened and my walk with the Lord seemed more hit and miss than a steady pace.


Things got so bad, I finally dropped to my knees in prayer, asking for God’s help. I made a commitment to God to pray more often, specifically targeting the problems I faced. After only two days of intense prayer, I saw God’s hand move in each and every situation. Even problems I didn’t anticipate, God already had a solution and was helping me navigate those challenges.


Friend, if you are having sleepless nights, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and just can’t seem to get it together, draw near to God. Through consistent and specific prayers, He will help you. One thing I also was reminded of, I must believe He will help me. Me doubting God’s ability to handle my most difficult situation only lessens my ability to let go and let Him take control. Read James 1:6–8. It’s when I put my faith and trust in His ability, did I start to see results of my call for help.


Pray, release your worries and believe in Him. Results and blessings will soon follow. Rest today in Him! God bless!

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