Sunday, September 20, 2020


For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15


Do you recall those times, in your youth, when you were in trouble and your parent was going to address the trespass with you? The fear and dread of that conversation was heavy on your heart and you knew either your backside or pride was going to be hurt. I can recall those times and they weren’t pleasant.


This morning I was reading an excerpt from my grandmother’s journal and she stated that as a Christian, Jesus removes the “guilt of our sin”. I had to sit and ponder that thought for a moment, then God opened my mind to countless scripture about how His children shouldn’t fear, but have joy in the freedom we have in Christ. Jesus Christ paid our sin debt, 100%. Yea, we gonna mess up at times and should feel remorse, but the punishment has been taken care of by Jesus Christ. That fear of facing The Father has been removed. We can acknowledge our shortcomings, ask for forgiveness and move on without living in fear.


Fear is something Satan uses to keep God’s children in bondage of guilt and feel worthless. Until we close our ears to Satan’s lies and engulf ourselves in the gospel truth and understanding of our freedom in Christ, we will continue to feel the guilt and shame of our trespasses. If you are a born-again believer, you are free from sin’s payment of eternal death. You are free of sin’s guilt and the punishment that comes with it.


Live your life in Christ without fear and dedicate your ways to His perfect will and plan for your life. You will experience more of God’s blessings when you feel the freedom to live than the fear of death. God bless!

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