Saturday, October 31, 2020


In the same hour the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace. Daniel 5:5


Today’s verse talks about the hand of God writing on the wall of king Belshazzar and later Daniel provided its interpretation. Can you imagine what was going through everyone’s mind who witnessed this great thing?


If you are like me, you often wish God would write a message, directing me in a decision or certain thought process. Can you relate? I’m here to tell you He has already written many messages to you, me and countless other people in His word, the bible. And not only that, as a child of God, He implanted His Holy Spirit inside of every believer. Do you believe that?


I can tell you after being a child of God for a great number of years, I have learned that when I seek after God’s direction and wisdom, He freely gives it to me either by His Spirit speaking to me, through scripture or both. Oftentimes His Spirit leads me to a specific verse in the bible that provides the clearest message.  He has done this for me more times than I can count. He will do it for you as well. You just have to put your faith and trust in Him and believe He is ready and willing to provide you a message to guide you through the challenges of life. Seek Him out today for your message! God bless!

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