Friday, April 28, 2023

 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught. 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Reflecting back to my younger years in church and the things I was taught, expectations of my behavior and attire, all shaped my life to the point where I am today in my faith. Since that time, things have changed, and not necessarily for the better. 

Sadly, we've moved far away from true reverence and holiness, as I experienced in my youth. Yes, it's all about your faith, but the externals are just as important. Example, in my former place of employment we were required to wear uniforms. For some employees, ironing their uniforms was not a priority and they came to work all wrinkled. Although they were good, dedicated employees, their presentation reflected poorly upon themselves. 

Everyday life of Christians has changed through the years, but God's desire for us to stand fast in our faith and presentation to the world has not. Show respect and reverence to God in who you are, and how you live on a daily basis. Those Sunday school lessons from long ago provided you a foundation for your faith, keep building a beautiful kingdom for the Lord. Stand fast in those traditions of years gone by. 

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